Saturday, March 26, 2011

One of those weeks.....

Alex (my baby) and Momma
This week was one of those weeks where I felt totally blah. Some times its hard to see what my husband sees when he tells me I am beautiful. Some times all I see is bumpy,snaggle,rolls,pouch,flat and just gross.I couldn't stand the way my hair looked. I decided to dye it. My husband likes it when I color it red. So I chose a red color by Garnier Nutresse. After coloring it, I realized it was not the red I usually buy. Then I didn't like the length of my hair and wanted to cut it all off. This usually happens all the time. I haven't had my hair this long since way before I got married and that was almost 10 years ago. I usually chop it off to chin length.  I kind of like it long and so does Frank. While on the treadmill, I was looking through my April edition of my All You magazine. I saw a hair style that i really liked. It was a pony tail with volume on top and no bangs. I always cover at least half of my forehead. I have a slight widows peak,but not too much. I actually like the way I looked with no bangs. I was definitely glad I did not cut my hair. This works well on 2nd day unwashed hair. I was reading one of Kandee Johnsons blogs on how to have beachy hair. She said to get a empty spray bottle and add water and salt. Ive been spraying my hair after i shower at night and the next day it looks really pretty. Its not as straight and it has some bounce/wave to it. I like it. Sometimes all you need is just a little tweak to get you feeling good about yourself again. I am ending this week feeling a whole lot better. I'm gonna love my imperfect nose, I'm going to love my little snaggle tooth (lost my retainer), I am going to love my pouch because that's where my baby came out of, and I'm gonna try that much harder on the treadmill to get that round booty. My baby looks like me and I think he's gorgeous!

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