Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hello There

I can't believe this is my first post for 2015 and we are already 4 months in the year.  I am no longer working.  It was hard working for someone who always criticized every single thing I did.  With my husband working out of town, it was not a healthy place for me to be at especially since I was the only one responsible for my son.  I hated coming home in a bad mood and taking my frustration out on him.   I think I went through a time of sadness.  I would just lay on the couch and do nothing which made me even more sad.  It was a terrible cycle.  I finally decided to go back to the gym and I am starting to feel better.  My husband should be coming back home too which makes me very happy. We haven't seen each other in over 30 days.
I am going to try to keep blogging and finally giveaway the Real Techniques brush and sponge.  Follow me on Instagram: christinachains77
I will follow back as well.

Just curious: What's the weather like where you are at.  Here, it's cloudy and it may hail.  My grass is so long but the grass is too wet to cut it.

Please follow my blog and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your job and I'm glad you're doing better :)


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